So my main reason for going to visit my family on this trip was to inform them what I do! aka Pornstar!!
I have to tell you : I tell my mom everything! She is and always will be my best friend but telling her that I preform sexual acts on film for money was something that I couldn't put into words!
But I did it! I came right out and said "you know how I have been doing modeling for the last few years, ... well the last year some of it has been "adult" " I waited for a negative response but all she said was that she wanted me to be safe! I explained about all the testing and that I have a agent and stuff and she said that she still loved me as much as she ever did and that she is still proud of me and everything I do!!!
I Love my family! They are the reason I am who I am and I know that I can always count on them for anything!!
Well after that was done it was time for me to run to the hotel and get ready for another night of feature dancing in Austin Texas!!!

My (larger than life) poster in the front of Rockstar's Cabaret from last time!!! These guys love me and I love them!!!!

When I got to the club I was met by my Bestie!!!! I heart her sooooo much!!
Here are a few pictures of my first outfit!!! I love my new red furry boot covers!! I got em n Chicago!!

And here is me and Coco before her first feature! (her first one EVER) and she worked it! She was AMAZING!!!

Look who was reping Pornstar Tweet .... Yup it's Coco!!

And here is me right before I did my first dance!!! Making love to the camera and its all for you!!!

After Coco's dance and my dance we did a super sexy dance together!!! sexy sluty school girls!!!

And since we were on the road for Coco's Birthday I had them bring me a cake up on stage at the beginning of our set and I sang Happy Birthday to her along with the rest of the club! She was so happy and surprised I love her and I'm glad I could make her night!!!!

Coco eating her cake!!
And getting her Birthday spanking from my Bestie!!
I love Austin and what a great night!!!!